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Написать со словами предложения СНАЧАЛА В SIMPLE , А ПОТОМ CONTINIUS
Tidy your room
do the washing up
go food shopping
lay the table
go swimming
surf the internet
play comouter games
hang out with friends

Why dont you tidy your room
Please, do the washing up.
We never go food shopping.
Its boring to lay the table.
I go swimming twice a week.
Its fun to surf the internet.
Mom doesnt let me play computer games.
I have no time to hang out with my friends.

Why dont you tidy your room
Please, do the washing up.
We never go food shopping.
Its boring to lay the table.
I go swimming twicw a week.
Its fun to surf the internet.
Mom doesnt let me play computer games.
I have no time to hang out with friends.

Why are you tidying your room
She is doing the washing up.
We are going food shopping.
She is laying the table.
I go swimming twice a week.
We are surfing the internet.
Mom is playing computer games.
I am hanging out with my friends.

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