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George and Mary are married. (Джордж и Мэри женаты.) They have 2 children: John and Laura. (У них двое детей: Джон и Лаура.) Mary has a sister, Kelly. (У Мэри есть сестра Кэлли.) George has a brother, Rob. (У Джорджа есть брат Роб.)
George is Mary’s husband. (Джордж – муж Мэри.)
Mary is ______ wife. (жена)
George is __________ father. (отец)
Mary is _________ mother. (мать)
John is __________ son. (сын)
Laura is _______ daughter. (дочь)
John is __________ brother. (брат)
Laura is _________ sister. (сестра)
Kelly is _________ aunt. (тетя)
Rob is __________ uncle. (дядя)
John is __________ nephew. (племянник)
Laura is _________ niece. (племянница)
помогите ,пожалуйста.

Mary is Georges wife.
George Lauras and Johns father.
Mary is Lauras and Johns mother.
John is Marys and Georges son.
Laura is Marys and Georges daughter.
Laura is Johns sister.
Kelly is Lauras and Johns aunt.
Rob is Lauras and Johns uncle.
John is Robs and Kellys naphew.
Laura is Robs and Kellys niece.
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