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Английский язык

Напишите все возможные вопросы к следующим предложениям

1) Does my best friend Jeff live in London General
2) Where does my best friend Jeff Special
3) who lives in London Question to the Subject
4) Does my best friend Jeff live in London or Berlin Alternative
5) My best friend Jeff lives in London , doesnt he Disjunctive
6) can you tell me who lives in London
Indirect speech

Am I writing a letter at the moment General
When am I writing a letter Special
Who is writing a letter Question to the Subject
I am writing a letter at the moment , arent I Disjunctive
Am I writing a letter or poem at the moment Alternative
Can you tell me who is writing a letter at the moment Indirect speech
Did we go to Moscow three weeks ago General
When did we go to Moscow Special
Who did go to Moscow three weeks ago Question to the Subject
We went to Moscow three weeks ago , didnt we Disjunctive
Did we go to Moscow or Paris there weeks ago Alternative
Can you tell me who did go to Moscow three weeks ago Indirect speech
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