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Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns - who, whose, which, when or where.
1) Mr. Jackson, . . . is our manager, owns a collection of ancient coins.
2)American continent, . . . was discovered in 1492, became home for many nationalities.
3) The willage . . . they went to have rest last summer is very picturesque.
4) My grandparents moved here in the years . . . the WWII began.
5) My friend . . . father owns a factory studies abroad.
6) The office . . . l work is in the city centre.

1) Mr. Jackson, who is our manager, owns a collection of ancient coins.
2) American continent, which was discovered in 1492, became home for many nationalities.
3) The willage where they went to have rest last summer is very picturesque.
4) My grandparents moved here in the years when the WWII began.
5) My friend, whose father owns a factory, studies abroad.
6) The office where l work is in the city centre.

1 who
3 which
4 when
6 where
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