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Английский язык

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1. John is the most careful driver among us.

2. Richard was reading his book when there was a knock at the door.

3. My computer was taken to the engineer when it broke.

4. Yesterday the children were asked to help to clean the bookshelves in the classroom.

5. They always do such things themselves.

6. They still were talking when a young woman came out of the building.

7. The first lesson was Physics and it was much more difficult than the second one which was History.

8. He said he had never travelled about Great Britain.

9. You are lucky you have found me at home, I usually leave the flat earlier.

10. Mark understood they had lost the game.

11. This legend tells the story of King Arthur and a poor Welshman.

12. The old gentleman knew they had arrived at the airport much later than it had been expected.

13. We have packed all the things ourselves.

14. Thousands of animals like seals and dolphins are in danger, and the biggest danger to them are people.

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