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Английский язык

Выберите нужную форму прилагательного или наречия.
1. I am happy/ happily to meet you. They have lived all their life happy/ happily. 2. The results of our work were perfect/ perfectly. We have done everything perfect/ perfectly. 3. I am quite helpless/ helplessly in solving such problems. She looked at them helpless/ helplessly not knowing what to do. 4. They think English is an easy/easily language. 5. The question can be answered quite simple/simply. 6. I don’t work for that company. They don’t pay regular/regularly. 7. Tom didn’t do very good / well in his examination. 8. Can you please repeat this information slow/ slowly? 9. The customs officer checked our documents thorough/thoroughly. 10. The road isn’t wide/widely enough for the lorry to get through.

1. Happy
2. Perfect
3. Helpless, helplessly
4. Easy
5. Simply
6. Regulary
7. Good
8. Slowly
9. Thoroughly, wide
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