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Английский язык

Английский язык 6 класс.Часть 2.
Заполните пропуски словами some, any, no.
1. Are there ... sweets in your bag? - Yes, there are ... . 2. I have ... good friends. They can help me if I need them. 3. Would you like … coffee? 4. She has ... mistakes in her test because she is an excellent student. 5. Can I bring you … magazines? You can read them while you are waiting. 6. Has she got ... nephews or niec¬es? - She has ... nephews, but she hasn’t got … nieces. 7. He has ... English books in this bookcase. He needs to buy … . 8. Did you make … friends in America?

1. Are there .any.. sweets in your bag - Yes, there are some... .
2. I have
some ... good friends. They can help me if I need them.
3. Would you like
some… coffee
4. She has no... mistakes in her test because she is an excellent student.
5. Can I bring you
some… magazines You can read them while you are waiting.
6. Has she got ..
any. nephews or nieces - She has some... nephews, but she hasn’t got any… nieces.
7. He has no... English books in this bookcase. He needs to buy
some… .
8. Did you make
any… friends in America
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