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Английский язык

Как празднуют новый год в других странах по английскому языку

People all over the world mark the coming of a new year. They celebrate the New Year on different dates, and in different ways. Some ways are strange and unusual. But to people who celebrate this holiday, they do not seem strange.
In old Denmark, people threw all their broken dishes against their friends doors! The family with the biggest pile on their doorstep had to invite everyone for refreshments.

Long ago, in Germany, young men prepared a gift of a wheel with a gold star in the middle, surrounded by apples on spikes. They would leave these wheels at their sweethearts doors, fire their guns, and run away. If the girl caught up with the man, it meant that they would be married during the year. 
Новый год празднуется в России как и во всех странах. В Англии это называется Рождеством, а у нас просто Новым Годом. Это веселый, добрый семейный праздник. Он считается официальным национальным праздником. На Новый Год к детям приходят Дед Мороз и Снегурочка.Они дарят детям подарки. Я люблю Новый Год.

New Year is celebrated in Russia as well as in all countries. In England it is called Christmas, and we simply have a Happy New Year. Its a fun, good family holiday. He is considered an official national holiday. New Years children come Santa Claus and Snegurochka.They give gifts for children. I love the New Year.
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