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Английский язык

The 9th form

1) Use modal words: can, may, must, should
1. You … go to the doctor.
2. … I use your telephone?
3. She … the piano, but she … the guitar.
4. They can’t buy a car now, but they … buy it in 3 months.

2) Use: Present Perfect (have\has + V 3\ ed), Past Simple (V 2/V ed) or Present Perfect Progressive (have\has been V ing)
1. The Browns (to have) that car since 1998.
2. The children (to play) hockey the day before yesterday.
3. Where is the magazine? – I (to put) it on the table.
4. We (to wait) for you since 10 o’clock.
5. How long (to be) you in London?

3) Put in the reflexive pronouns (myself, herself, himself, yourself, itself, ourselves, themselves, yourselves):
1. He wants to drive the car ….
2. The children want to read the book …..
3. Helen and Jane, do you want to wash dishes …..?
4. Henry, do you want to repair the radio …. ?
5. We can install this program ….. .
6. They can not do it …….
7. She likes to make cakes …….
8. I’m going to cook dinner ….. .

4) Use the words on the topic «Travelling».
1. They had a lot of (багажа) when they travelled last month.
2. English is the (официальный) language in the UK.
3. Where is your (страховка), by the way?
4. Have you got (через паспортный контроль) yet?
5. I am not sure that this ship was (непотопляемый).
6. We live in (многонациональной) country.

5) Write 4 sentences using I’d prefer to + V … or I’d rather + V…
Example: I’d prefer to eat at home. I’d rather listen to some music

6) Translate into Russian:
1. A rocket was launched in 2001.
2. It is difficult to detect an iceberg.
3. The trip was dangerous and exhausting.
4. It takes ages to get to Sydney by sea.
5. While travelling in Africa they suffered from thirst.
6. I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturdays – they are always busy.
7. A storm seriously damaged the ship.
8. These berries are edible.

3. can, may
4. should
1. have had
2. have been playing
3. put
4. have been waiting
1. by himself
2. itself
3. for yourselves
4. by yourself
5. by ourselves
6. by themselves
7. by herself
8. by myself 
1. baggage
2. official
3. insurance
4. through passport control
5. insubmersible
6. multinational
1. id prefer to play guitar.
2. id rather stay at home
3. id prefer to make friends
4. id rather drink water
1. Ракета была запущена в 2001.
2. Обнаружить айсберг - трудно.
3. Поездка была рискованной и утомительной.
4. Чтобы добраться до Сиднея по морю, надо очень много времени.
5. Во время путешествия в африку они страдали от жажды.
6. Я пытаюсь избегать супермаркетов по субботам, они всегда заполнены.
7. Шторм серьезно повредил корабль.
8. Эти ягоды съедобны.
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