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Английский язык

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.
1. I hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books for their work. 2. He seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to talk) about. 3. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother. 4. He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living. He wanted (to read) and not (to forget). 5. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings.

Задание 3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle 1 и Participle II.
a) A fish taken out of the water cannot live.
b) A person taking a sun-bath must be very careful.
c) Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text.
a) A line seen through this crystal looks double.
b) A teacher seeing a mistake in a student's dictation always corrects it.
c) Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: "Fire! Fire!"

Задание 4. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия.
1 .a) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard
is our best pupil.
b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.
2. a) The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful.
b) The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high.
3. a) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table?
b) The exercises (doing, done) by the pupils were easy.
4. a) The girl (washing, washed) the floor is my sister.
b) The floor (washing, washed) by Helen looked very clean.
5. a) We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Rus¬sian folk songs.
b) We listened to the Russian folk songs (sing¬ing, sung) by the girls.
Задание 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные формы герундия.
1. Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting playing football. 2. She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had happened to her. 3. Can you remember having seen the man before? 4. She was terrified of having to speak to anybody, and even more, of being spoken to. 5. He was on the point of leaving the club, as the porter stopped him. 6. After being corrected by the teacher, the students' papers were returned to them. 7. I wondered at my mother's having allowed the journey. 8. I understand perfectly your wishing to start the work at once. 9. Everybody will discuss the event, there is no preventing it. 10. At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the din¬ing-room. 11. On being told the news she turned pale. 12. The place is worth visiting. 12. I avoided speaking to them about that matter.13. She burst out crying. 14. They burst out laughing. 15. She denied having been at home that evening. 16. He enjoyed talking of the pleasures of travelling. 17. Excuse my leaving you at such a moment. 18. Please forgive my interfering. 19. He gave up smoking a few years ago. 20. They went on talking. 21. He keeps insisting on my going to the south. 22. Oh please do stop laughing at him. 23. Do you mind my asking you a difficult question? 24. Would you mind coming again in a day or two? 14. I don't mind wearing this dress. 25. She could not help smiling. 16. I cannot put off doing this translation. 26. Though David was tired, he went on walking in the direction of Dover.

Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. Various kinds of sports (to be) popular in Russia. 2. Both children and grown-ups (to be) fond of sports. 3. What (to be) the matter with her? She (to be) so excited. - I (not to know). 4. Where you (to go)? - I (to go) to the Dynamo stadium to see the match which (to take) place there today. 5. You (to know) that very interesting match (to take) place last Sunday? 6. He (to go) to the south a week ago. 7. When I (to be) about fifteen years old, I (to enjoy) playing football. 8. Our football team (to win) many games last year. 9. Where (to be) Boris? - He (to play) chess with his friend. 10. I (to be) sorry I (to miss) the match yesterday. But I (to know) the score. It (to be) 4 to 2 in favour of the Spartak team. 11. Nellie (to leave) for Moscow tomorrow. 12. I (to be) in a hurry. My friends (to wait) for me. 13. You (to be) at the theatre yesterday. You (to like) the opera? — Oh yes, I (to enjoy) it greatly. 14. You (to go) to London next summer?

EX 4 1a) Writing b) written
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