6 год назад
Trip of a lefetime .помогите сделать


Jul 1, 2019
2) They arent going to work late night.
3) I am going to buy a new car.
4) Ben isnt going to use his computer today.
5) We are going to rent a car.
6) Ruby is going to find a job.
7) I am not going to take an umbrella.
2) How is he going to travel
3) When are they going to come back
4) What time is the flight going to leave.
5) What are they going to visit city
6) How much is the holiday going to cost
2) are you going to go
3) are you going to sleep
4) are going to stay in a hotel
5) are you going to drive
6) arent going to take
7) are you going to leave
8) am not going to go
9) are you going to come back
10) Im going to do
c(извини, плохо картинки вижу)
2) They arent going to work late night.
3) I am going to buy a new car.
4) Ben isnt going to use his computer today.
5) We are going to rent a car.
6) Ruby is going to find a job.
7) I am not going to take an umbrella.
2) How is he going to travel
3) When are they going to come back
4) What time is the flight going to leave.
5) What are they going to visit city
6) How much is the holiday going to cost
2) are you going to go
3) are you going to sleep
4) are going to stay in a hotel
5) are you going to drive
6) arent going to take
7) are you going to leave
8) am not going to go
9) are you going to come back
10) Im going to do
c(извини, плохо картинки вижу)