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74 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме пр. Present Perfect или в Past Simple. 1. It is the first time I (to fly). 2. You ever (to eat) bird's nest soup? 3. Look! I (to hurt) my arm 4. He (to work) there for a year. 5. You ever (to try) parachuting? No, I never (to try) this kind of sport. 6. We (to live) here since 1990 7. You ever (to be) in the USA? Yes, I (to go) there last spring 8. This is the worst meal I (to eat). ever 9. He (to study) English for three he (to years but then stop) 10. She ever (to be) on a blind date? No, it's the first time. 11. We (not to eat) since lunch time. 12. She (to work) for this firm since she school (to leave) 13. We (not to see) him since he (to leave) flat our 14. You ever (to meet) anybody famous? 15. My granny (to live) here since she (to be) a girl 16. How long they (to be) married? 17. They always (to live) in this street 18. Nick and Tom (to know) each other since they(to be) at school.

1) have flown
2) Have you ever eaten
3) have hurt
4) has worked
5) Have you ever tried
6) have lived
7) Have you ever been
8) have ever eaten
9) has studied
10) Has she ever been
11) havent eaten
12) has worked / left
13) havent seen / left
14) Have you ever met
15) have lived
16) were they married
17) lived 
18) have known / were
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