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Английский язык

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present simple present continuous или Future simple.
He (to go) shopping. If you (to need) some butter, he (to buy) it for you.
What they (to do) next saturday? they (to go) on a trip if the weather.
what the weather (to be) like? it (to rain).
We (to hope) the (to return) tonight . If the (not to return) today, we (to worry).
He (not to sleep) now, he (to have) dinner.
They (to be) surprised if they (not to get) this job.
I (to think) Peter (to be) very glad if we (to tell) him the news.
We (to go) to the theatre next week? - i (to hope) We (to go) there if i (not to be) busy.

He goes shopping. If you need some butter, he buys it for you. What they do next saturday they go on a trip if the weather. What the weather is like it rains. We hope the rerurn tonight. If the dont  return today we worry.He doesnt sleep now he has dinner. They are surprised if they dont get this job. I think peter is very glad if  we tell him the news. We go to the theare next week- i hope we go there if i am not busy
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