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Task II. Present Perfect or Past Simple? Choose the best option.
A Job Interview
Interviewer: So why (1) did you apply / have you applied for this position?
David: Well, (2) for / since the last three years I have been working in an interesting, but very small, company, and I now feel ready to move on to a bigger challenge.
Interviewer: Right. And can you describe what your responsibilities are at your current company, at Intertech?
David: Of course. Well, I (3) started / have started working there three years (4) since / ago , as I (5) said / have said, and until July 2013 I (6) was / have been responsible for the online catalogue. However, I was then promoted and put in charge of the design and maintenance of the entire website. In January 2014, I (7) have helped / helped to implement a new e-commerce system, which allows people to buy directly from the catalogue using ‘one-click’ ordering. It (8) was / has been very successful so far.
Interviewer: That’s very impressive. What about foreign languages? Your English is obviously very good, but do you speak any other languages?
David: Well, French – my mother tongue – obviously. I also (9) spent / have spent some time in Spain five years (10) since / ago as part of my degree, so I’d say I have intermediate Spanish. Interviewer: OK, just one more thing. (11) Did you / Have you ever had experience of people management?
David: Yes, absolutely. At Intertech I’m in charge of one member of staff – a web editor. I’ve never had any problems with the management side of my role; in fact, I really enjoy it.
Interview: OK, well that’s good news. Well, we need to have a think about it, but we’ll let you know ASAP.
David: Thank you for seeing me today. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

2)studied 3)have been working 4) was 5) had made 6) lost 7) had seen 8) was 9) came out
10) have visited 11) did make 12) havent worked 13) flew 14)spent 15)did go 16)wanted 17)have driven 18) have travelled/travel 19) have met 20) did start 21)signed 22) has been/is
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