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Их новая квартира очень плохо обставлена. Столовая перегружена мебелью. Раздвижной обеденный стол хорошо подходит, но громоздкий диван там не к месту, и темный рисунок штор делает комнату очень темной.
Чёрный хлеб у нас есть?
Там было где развернуться.
В распоряжении жильцов есть даже мусоропровод.
Письменный стол с настольной лампой здесь подходят.
Из чего сделана эта посуда?
Скажи ей чтобы она вынесла ведро. Мусоропровод не работает.
У меня что-то случилось с магнитофоном. Я не могу его починить.

Their new flat is very badly furnished. The dining room is crammed with furniture. The expanding dining table matches well, but the bulky sofa is out of place, and  the dark pattern of the curtains makes the room very dark.
Have we got any brown bread
There was space enough for anything.
The residents (inhabitants) have even got a refuse chute at their disposal.
A desk with a (desk)lamp matches well here.
What are these dishes made of
Tell her to empty the bucket. The 
refuse chute is out of order.(=doesnt work)
Theres something wrong with my tape recorder. I cant  repair it.
Their new apartment is very badly arranged. The dining room is overloaded with furniture. The sliding dining table well approaches, but a bulky sofa there out of place, and the dark drawing of curtains does the room very dark.We have a black breadThere was where to be developed.At the disposal of residents there is even a refuse chute.Desk with a desk lamp approach here.What this ware is made ofTell it that it took out a bucket. The refuse chute doesnt work.At me something happened to the tape recorder. I cant repair it.
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