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Ex.1. Complete the sentences with the first conditional form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If the ice caps … , sea levels … . (to melt / to rise) 2. The climate … hotter if we … something about it. (to get / not to do) 3. If we … our old paper to the paper bank, they … us for it! (to take / to pay) 4. More countries … from droughts if global warming … . (to suffer / not to stop) 5. We … a new campaign if this one … a success. (to start / to be) 6. If we … something soon, the problems … (not to do / to grow)

1) If the ice caps melt, sea levels will rise.
2) The climate will not get hotter if we dont do something about it.
3) If we take our old paper bank , they will pay us for it!
4) More countries will suffer from droughts if global warmingdoesnt stop.
5) We will start a new campaign if this one is a success.
6) If we dont do something soon, the problems will grow.
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