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Open the brackets
1. Where you (to be) at 7 last evening?
2. Tom (to stay) at home because he (to catch) a bad cold.
3. Why Alice (to be) late for dinner?
4. You ( to catch) the bus this morning?
5. They (not to drink) tea, they (to have) coffe.
6. Bob (to see) doctor Smith at 5?
7. She (to study) English for 2 years.
8. What time they (to get up) yesterday?
9. I (not to be) in this town last year.
10. Why she (not to go) to the concert on Friday?
Correct the errors:
1. They hurried to the station as they was late.
2. When the phone rang, he get up and answered the call.
3. Her child weren"t at school yesterday.
4. When my friend suddenly speaked, I am jump.
5. She didn"t got the ticket to the concert.
6. Why did they left the city?
7. He smokes much, but he wasn"t smoke before.
8. When I come into the room, I switched the light on.
9. We haved dinner and leaved the house.
10. The jeanse she bought yesterday fitted her well.

1 are.
2 stays catches
3 is
4 catch
5 dont drink
7 studies
8 got up
9 am didnt
10 doesnt go

1 hurry
2 got up
3 didnt
4 jumped
6 do
7 doesnt
9 had left

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