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Помогите срочно )!подготовить рассказ на любую тему с использованием как можно больше неправильных глагол с feel до hear)7 класс


I’ve spent last summer holidays with my grandparents in their countryside house. My grandmother taught me how to cook pancakes. My grandfather swore he could teach me fishing, but gave up. I read a lot of books, went to bed early and woke up at the dawn. I understood a lot of things about life in the countryside. When you wake up very early, it turns out that you’ve got a lot of time. I sought for any occupation, and found some new every day. I fed the chickens, did a lot of work about the house, brought fresh water from the spring, rode a bicycle for 6 km to reach the shop, ate without a word everything what I was served for a meal. I forgot the sounds of gadgets. After those holidays in the countryside my father found that I had grown a lot. I felt the same. 

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