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My name is Jacden and Im a DJ at a popular club in Ibiza, Spain. My day is quite different from most peoples. 

1) I get up at about 2.00 p.m. in the afternoon. 

2-3) I have lunch usually - just coffee and a sandwich. 

4) After lunch I do some housework and then go for a walk. I often do shopping. I buy a lot of T-shirts and trainers — I have to look fashionable in the club. 

5) At 6.00 p.m. I go to the gym for about an hour. I usually invite friends to my house in the evening. I love cooking, so I get dinner and we all eat together. At 9.30 p.m. I go to the club. 

6-7) I go to work by a big car, because I have to take all my equipment and my music collection. I DJ until about 4.00 in the morning. 

8-9) After work I have breakfast at the club and then I go home. 

10-11) At about 5.00 in the morning I go to bed, just before most people get up!

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