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Английский язык

Use the correct forms of the verbs in parenthesis.

a) I think it (rain) tomorrow. It's very cloudy.
b) When they (come in) all the children (stand up).
c) As soon as they (come) here, we (start) the meeting.
d) When I (be) twenty, I (visit) my Hungarian relatives.
e) She (ever/help) you with your projects?
g) She (not answer) when we (call) her last Sunday.

A) it will rain
b) they came in, stood up
c) they come, we will
d) was, visited
e) Have she ever helped you
g) didnt answer, called
a) I think it (is going to rain) tomorrow. Its very cloudy.
b) When they come in all the children stand up.
c) As soon as they come here, we (shall start) the meeting.
d) When I (am) twenty, I (shall visit) my Hungarian relatives.
e) Has she (ever/helped) you with your projects
g) She (did not answer) when we (called) her last Sunday.

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