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вставьте модальный глагол may или might раскройте скобки употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива
1) ... I (ask) you to take off your hat?
2)she asked me if safe ... (to turn) on the light.
3) I am afraid it ...(not to stop) raining by the morning.
4) don't scold her: the tesk ... (to be) too diffocult for her, that's why she made rather many mistakes.
5) if they don't miss the rain, they ... (to arrive) in time.
6) why isn't he here yet?
what has happened?
OH he ... (to miss) the rain.
7)he ...(to do) very hard work. that's work he looks so tired now.

Думаю, что так...
1.. May I ask you to take off your hat
2.. She asked me if it was safe to turn on the light.
3.. I am afraid it will not have stopped raining by the morning.
4..Dont scold her: the task was too difficult for her, thats why she made rather many mistakes.
5..If they dont miss the rain, they will arrive in time.
6..Why isnt he here yet What has happened He missed the rain.
7... He has been doing very hard work. thats why he looks so tired now.

1) May I (ask) you to take off your hat
2) She asked me if it was safe to turn on the light.
3) I am afraid it will not have stopped raining by the morning.
4) Dont scold her: the task was too difficult for her, thats why she made rather many mistakes.
5) If they dont miss the rain, they will arrive in time.
6) Why isnt he here yet What has happened He missed the rain.
7) He has been doing very hard work. thats why he looks so tired now.

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