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Английский язык

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Are you clever - Yes, i am
Is your mother fine - Yes , she is
Is her uncle is a driver - No  , he is not
Have you got a pet - No , i have not
Have your friend got a cat - Yes , he ( she ) has .
Do you go to school - Yes , i do.
Does your brother swim - No , he does not.
Are thier kittens funny - Yes, they are.
Is your dog brave - No , he is not.
Are you happy - No , i am not.
Am i strong- Yes , you are .
Is it your dog - No , it is not.
Is it Sams toy - Yes , it is.
Are these your toys- Yes , they are.
Do you play tennis - Yes , i do.
Does your sister play chess - No, she does not.
Does your cat eat mice - No , he does not.
Are you and Tom friends - Yes , we are.
Have you and Tom got toys - Yes , we have .
Do you and Ann swim - Yes , we do.
Are dogs and cats friends - No , they are not.
Does Jane love  her cat - Yes, she does.

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