6 год назад
Переведите на английский без переводчика
Мої батьки не впливають на мій вибір книги, тому що я рідко читаю книги.
Я іноді читаю енциклопедії про тварин. З енциклопедій завжди дізнаєшся щось нове.
Мій улюблений жанр це новела. Новели завжди короткі за обсягом і з несподіваним фіналом.
Загалом ці твори складають від 5 до 10 сторінок. Я люблю читати новели тому що вони короткі і мають несподіваний фінал. Книги я беру у шкільній бібліотеці а іноді користуюсь електроними книгами.
Jun 30, 2019
My parents do not influence my choice of books because I rarely read books. I sometimes read encyclopedias about animals. From encyclopedias always learn something new. My favorite genre is the novel. Short stories are always short in volume and with an unexpected ending. In General, these compositions comprise from 5 to 10 pages. I like reading novellas because they are short and have an unexpected ending. I take books in the school library, and sometimes use e-books.
My parents do not influence my choice of books because I rarely read books.
I sometimes read encyclopedias about animals. From encyclopedias always learn something new.
My favorite genre is the novel. Short stories are always short in volume and with an unexpected ending.
In General, these compositions comprise from 5 to 10 pages. I like reading novellas because they are short and have an unexpected ending. I take books in the school library, and sometimes use e-books.
I sometimes read encyclopedias about animals. From encyclopedias always learn something new.
My favorite genre is the novel. Short stories are always short in volume and with an unexpected ending.
In General, these compositions comprise from 5 to 10 pages. I like reading novellas because they are short and have an unexpected ending. I take books in the school library, and sometimes use e-books.