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Английский язык

Rewrite the sentences in the passive, making the words in italics the subject of the sentence or clause in which they appear.

1. They gave the oldest council or the freedom of the city.

2. They denied access to the secret documents to all but a few.

3. Someone showed the child how to use the telephone.

4. They declared him persona non grata and allowed him only forty-eight hours to leave the


5. They gave him artificial respiration.

6. Why didn't they offer him the job?

7. Didn't they promise you a rise in salary at the beginning of the year?

8. Someone left him a legacy of 10.000.

9. When he looked at the stamps, he found they had sold him forgeries.

10. What did they pay you for doing the job?

11. Someone should tell him never to do that again.

12. They asked you to meet me here at 11o'clock, not half past.

13. Will someone send me the details?

14. We shall send you the godos as soon as they are available.

15. Someone must teach that boy a lesson!

The oldest councillor was given the freedom of the city

Access to the secret documents was denied to all but few

The child was shown how to use the telephone

He was declared persona non grata and was allowed only forty-eight hours to leave the country

He was given artificial respiration

Why wasnt he offered the job

Werent you promised a rise in salary at the beginning of the year

He was left a legacy of £10,000

When he looked at the stamps, he found he had been sold forgeries

What were you payed for doing the job

He should be told never to do that again

You were asked to meet me here at 11 oclock, not half past

Will I be sent the details

The goods will sent to you as soon as they are available

That boy must be taught a lesson

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