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Английский язык

Написать сочинение на Английзком тема: Любимый учитель (описать преподавателя, внешность, характер, почему вам нравится этот преподаватель) минимум 7 предложений

My school is my favorite teacher. It Prishchep Tatiana Nikolaevna - teacher of foreign literature, which also is the homeroom teacher. She teaches us that discipline in the fifth grade, and her every lesson for all of us - a real discovery.

At its lessons it gives us magical world of literature teaches us to take out books all the good and eternal, teaches ponder read, think about the actions of the characters. It teaches us to analyze what they read, trying to understand what the author wanted to convey to the readers of his story. It teaches us to put ourselves in the place of heroes and decide for yourself, what would we do in a given situation. It is my favorite teacher opened for many of us the beauty of reading books, so now we read literature not only under duress, but also on their own to briefly plunge into the wonderful world that is hidden in them. I believe that such and should be a teacher. And if every teacher will genuinely love what he does, then we will love to learn Имя И фамилию исправь только
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