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Математика | 4-7 класс

2. Learn the ruleDeterminative adverbsmethod and mode of actionmeasures and degreeshow? in what way?run, gallop, walk, swimHow much? how much? to what extent?to what extent?a lot, mapo, twice, twice, together,very, very, completely3. Complete exercise 4 on page 169 in writing (5 points)4. Write out the adverbs from the text. Specify their rank by value.Late autumn. The morning dawn over the lake in a hazy haze issilent. Only occasionally a coot will call out somewhere in the reedwilds briefly, and a teal will reluctantly give its voice. Silence again.And the morning is still growing hot, but the shadows of night still cling tenaciously in the depths of the dawn. The nights reluctantly give way to the day. Silence (M. Zverev)Sh. HOMEWORK:learn the rule on page 169Показать переводПовторение. Определите разряд наречий (5 поинтов) 1. По-осеннему прохладно 2. Далеко видно 3. Рассказывать сейчас 4. Разбить нарочно 5. Виновный поневолеПж нужно

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