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Английский язык

Прослушайте третий монолог, заполните пропущенные части:The subject I like best is __________. And my least favourite subject is____________.I’d like to drop it and do _____________instead. I suppose I’m good at___________but I’m not so good at___________. Outside class, I __________and_____________. It’d be great to____________.Вставьте to have в подходящей форме. 1. I ________a guest yesterday. 2. He ______a minute after the meeting. 3. Benny ______a problem now.4. Louisa and Anna ____so much in common when they were children.5. We don't need to hurry, we _____a lot of time.6. They ______another address in a month.7. Does John _____a sister? 8. We didn't ____matches or a lighter. 9. Did you ____any choice?10. She ____a bad feeling about it, and she was right.Задай вопросы к предложениям1. Jim has a pen. (Why )2. I have eight oranges. ( How many )3. Peter had a funny monkey. ( Who )4. We’ll have a big ball. ( What )5. They have five children. ( How many )6. Sally had a beautiful doll. ( What )7. The pupils will have textbooks. (Who )8. They’ll have two beautiful vases.( How many )9. She has a handbag. ( What )10. The girl had a red skirt. ( Who )Переведи предложения с русского на английский1.У нашей собаки два щенка.2. У его бабушки семь внуков.3.У кого есть машина?4. Как узнать сколько конфет было у Бена?5. У Маши будут красивые куклы.6. У них две дочери.7. Что у девочек?8.Какие книги у Ани?9.У их детей было два кролика.10. У папы будет новый компьютер.Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.1. Anna has a new coat.2. We will have holidays soon.3. Nick has a scooter.4. They had an old garden.5. Mary had red roses in her garden.6. The hunters have dogs.7. The child will have new toys.8. You have two apple-trees in the garden.я не уверена в своем ответе, а мне скоро сдавать....)


:могу помочь перевести с русского на англ.

1.Our dog has two puppies.

2.His grandmother has seven grandchildren.

3.who has a car?

4.How much candy was in with Ben.

5. Masha will be a beautiful doll.

6. They have two daughters.

7. What girls?

8. what books does Anya have?

9. their children had two rabbits.

10. The Dad will have a new computer.

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