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посчитайте ПРОШУ (ОТМЕЧАЙТЕ ЦИФРАМИ ИЛИ БУКВАМИ, КАК НАПИСАНО В ТЕСТЕ, ПРОШУ)1. Underlined word is: Here is some advice for those preparing to go on holiday.1) Pronoun2) Negative pronoun3) Preposition 4) An Adjective2. Incorrect written number1) fifteen 2) fifty 3) fiveteenth4) fifth3. Find the adjective which is formed from a noun:1) Smoker2) Different3) Decision4) Painless 4. An appropriate preposition: Where do you usually get…?1) over 2) off3) on4) away5. Change into indirect speech: “What’s the time”? She asked.1) She asked what was the time.2) She asked what’s the time.3) She asked what time it was.4) She asked what time.6. Fill in a suitable form of the verb: She … they would finish the work soon.1 Promised 2 promising3 Promises4 Promise 7.Appropriate answer: Our teacher wishes he ___ another profession.1 chose2 had chosen3 will choose4 has chosen8.The synonym of the word ‘’Remain” is:1 Become. 2 Stay.3 Repeat.4 Leave.9.The antonym of the word ‘’Truth” is:1 Shock2 Mark3 Lie4 Power10.Choose the correct translation into Russian: Во дворе много деревьев.1 There were no trees in the yard. 2 There are many trees in the yard.3 There many trees in the yard. 4 There are no trees in the yard11.Choose the right verb: President … elected for four years.A) is B) are C) am D) will be 1 am2 are3 will be 4 Is12.Find the right question:1 He always comes in time, does he?2 He always comes in time doesn’t she?3 He always comes in time, doesn’t he?4 He always comes in time, is he?13.Complete the proverb: Men learn while they …1 … sleep2…live3 … work4 …speak14.The synonym of the word ‘’defile” is:C) cutD) polluteA) raiseB) degrade15.The verb of the word “Black”C) to blackenD) to blackishA) to blacketB) to blackise16.The correct use of article.Hope is …good breakfast, but …bad supper.1 the/ the2 a /an3 - / the4 a/a17.Correct use of the articlesIt is ___ nice morning. Let’s go for ___walk.1 the, a2 a, the3 a,-4 a, a18.Find an adverb of time:C) abroadB) alwaysE) a bitD) for long time19.The meaning of “stop or keep a person from doing something”C) measureE) preventB) improveD) concentrate20.Adjectives of material :A) awfulB) greenD) splendidC) steel21.Present Perfect Passive form:B) has been toldC) were doneA) will be toldD) had been done22.Complete the sentence : I hope …you this weekend.B) sawA) will seeC) to sawD) to see23.Define the underlined word: My elder sister enjoys travelling.C) Modal verbB) ParticipleD) AdverbA) Gerund24.Choose the correct preposition:The farmer was pleased ____ the gift.1 In2 Of3 With4 On25.Complete the sentences: _______she can’t drive, she has bought a car.B) even thoughC) asD) whenA) while26.Complex Object.B) He heard me open the doorA) He heard he open the doorC) He heard we open the doorD) He heard they open the door27.Sentence with Perfect InfinitiveWe hope to finished the job soonB) I noticed that he seemed to be smoking a lotC) You should written the compositionD) I’m glad to have seen her28.They ... John yesterday. A) metC) meetedD) has metB) have met29.Mary ... Paris for London in 2013. C) leftB) have leftA) has leftD) leaved30.I haven’t done it ... .A) yetB) already C) just D) since


1. 3)

2. 1)

3. 4)

4. 4)

5. 2)

6. 3)

7. 2)

8. 1)

9. 3)

10. 4)

11. 4)

12. 3)

13. 2)

14. C)

15. A)

16 2)

17. 3)

18. C)

19. D)

20. B)

21. B)

22. D)

23. A)

24. A)

25. A)

26. D)

27. C)

28. C)

29. A)

30. B)

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