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Hello Tom,

     I was very pleased to have received your letter. It was so nice of you to take a dog from the dog shelter.

     As to your questions about air pollution in my town I would say that the situation is not as good as I would wish it to be, but it could be worse. Harmul emissions from cars, fumes from trucks and factories are constantly contaminating the air of my native town. Cars are also largely responsible for the giant masses of used oil being spilled on the roads, which evaporates into the clouds that form acid rain.

     As a result, this kind of harmul toxins affects an individual's health in frightening ways. In some neighbourhoods people cannot even go jogging without doing serious harm to their lungs. Most of us have to wear protective masks in the streets.

     I think the best way to combat industrial pollution is to increase fines for wicked, greedy corporations of my town that pump harmful toxins into the air. To be effective the fines should be heavy enough to deter potential polluters, if they are too small they could simply be regarded by industries as the cost of doing business and they might be ignored.

      Returning back to the dog adopted, I want to ask you, is it a big dog or a little one? What is the dog breed? Have you already named it? Well, I think that's all.

       Waiting for your reply,

        Your friend, имя тут свое на англ.


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