Задание 2. Напиши, что означают фразеологизмы: Кот наплакал- Вокруг пальца Вешать нос- Прикусить язык- Клевать носом-

1. How often did Jill go to school? 2. How often did Jill meet her aunts? 3. When did the aunts come? 4. Did they come to have breakfast with Jill’s family? 5. What did Jill’s mother give them at first? 6. Where were Jill and her aunts while Jill’s mother was making lunch? помогите пожалуйста
вот текст к вопросам
Jill was four years old. She was a clever child, but she was not very pretty. She
went to school every day, and she loved her lessons. She was always at the top
of her class, and she learnt to read and write very quickly.
One day her mother said to her, “Aunt Polly and Aunt Judy are going to visit us
tomorrow. They live in Canada, and you haven’t met them because they very
seldom come to England. They are going to have lunch with us”.
The aunts arrived at twelve o’clock the next day, and Jill’s mother gave them
some coffee. Then she said, “I’m going to make lunch now”, and went into the
kitchen. Jill stayed in the living-room with her aunts.
Aunt Polly looked at Jill and then said to Aunt Judy quietly, “She isn’t very p-r-e-t-
t-y, is she?”
“No”, said Jill quickly, “but I’m very s-m-a-r-t”.