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посчитайте пжChoose the correct variant: a) , b) , c) or d).1. We don't have ................... money.a)many b)some c) much d)a few2. Don't leave. There are .......... more things I want to tell you.a) few b) any c) little d) a few3) I can't drink this tea. There's too............. sugar in it.a) much b) lot of c) many d) lots of4. He's got only ............... friends.a) few b) a few c) some d) any5) Would you like ......chips?a) few b) some c) a lot of d) any6) I was ill for ............weeksa) many b) much c) little d) lots of7) There aren't.............. books in the bookcase.a) much b) ) little c) some d) any8) There are very.........chairs in the room.Where is everyone going to sit ?a) little b) some c) few d) many9) I don't have ............time because I've got ..........work to do over the weekend.a) many b) lots of c) much d) any10. Mary has ...........big dolls.a) any b) a little c) no d) little11. He has too................possibilities.a) many b) little c) few d) any12. Can I have .................cold milk,please?a) a few b) few c) some d) any


1. a

2. d

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a

7. d

8. d

9. d b

10. c

11. a

12. c

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