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Заполните пропуски глаголами в Past Continuous или Past Simple1. Peter (stay) at a seaside hotel on holiday when he (meet) his friend.2. While I (have) lunch the sun (come) out again.3. Who ... you (talk to) on the telephone when I came?4. While Mary (read) the letter she (notice) many spelling mistakes.5. She (go) to bed when suddenly she (see) a mouse.6. We (sit) down to dinner when the doorbell (ring).7. Mary’s grandfather (hurt) his back while he (dig) in the vegetable gardenyesterday.8. While he (sleep), the doctor (arrive).9. What ... she (wear) when you (see) her at the party?10. What... she (want) when she (visit) you yesterday?11. Somebody (knock) on the front door while I (have) breakfast.12. How much money ... you (spend) last Christmas?13. My father (give) me money and I (spend) it all in one day.14. Peter (not/feel) very well, so he (consult) his doctor.15. Where ...you (live) at this time last year?16. Peter (not/look) at me as he (speak).17. When the ambulance (arrive), the patient (sleep) like a child.18. I (read) when he (call).19. They (wait) for the bus when I (see) them.20. What ...you (do) when you (see) them?

1)was staying, met
2)was having, came
3)were you talking to
4)was reading, was noticing
5)was going, saw
6)were sitting, rang
7)hurt, was digging
8)was sleeping, arrived
9)was she wearing, saw
10)did she want, visited
11)knocked, was having
12)did you spend
13)gave, spent
14)wasn’t feeling, consulted
15)did you live
16)wasn’t looking, was speaking
17)arrived, was sleeping
18)was reading, called
19)were waiting, saw
20)were you doing, saw
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