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Английский язык

Контрольная работа Модуль 3 7 классУпражнение 1Complete the sentences with the correct words: cute, scar, curly, slim, ugly, in his forties1) My sister is on a diet. She wants to be ........ .2) My brother looks like a teenager. But he is ........ .3) My little sister is so ........ in this picture.4) When I was a teenager, I had straight blond hair. Now I have dark ........ hair.5) Last winter he fell from his bike and he has a small ........ on his leg.Упражнение 2Put the adjectives in the correct order.1) My friend is a(n) (English, kind, young) boy.2) That’s Kate. The (funny, American, young) girl from my drama class.3) Can you introduce me to that (tall, cute, Spanish) girl?4) He is wearing that (Italian, beautiful) coat.Упражнение 3Make up sentences using a link verb and the words below:1) Mr Brown: consultant, old, good, American2) Jane: nurse, serious, middle-aged, Scottish3) He: golf-player, French, handsomeУпражнение 4Put the words into the correct group: slim, grey, old, fat, young, bald, freckles, ugly, tall, beard, teenagerBuildAgeHairHeightFaceSpecial featuresУпражнение 5. Сomplete the sentences (up, away, back)1 He gave … smoking a year ago.2 We gave … our old toys to the poor children.3 Give me my book… , please.


короче первое задание

1) Slim

2) In his forties

3) Cute

4) Curly

5) Scar





beautiful, italian

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