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Английский язык

посчитайте с английским .Упр 44

1. Hush, hush! Children are sleeping, 2. - Who is walking around the yard? "This is Tom, who always goes out to get some fresh air at this time. 3. 3. Not letting children go for a walk, it's raining hard. 4. do They always stay home in bad weather? 5. What's the matter? Mary rarely does her homework this late at night. Now look, it's 11 o'clock, and she's still sitting at the table. 6. I like to look at kittens when they are playing. 7. Look, Ann is calling Tom again. I wonder what they talk about so often. 8. - Where does your friend live? - He lives in Moscow, but now he is visiting friends in our city. 9. -What are you looking at? "I'm looking at the clouds. They're so beautiful, see
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