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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use past simple or past continuos1.Amy (sleep) when Sam (go out) to buy some flowers2.I (run) towards the train station when the train (arrive)3.Helen and Neb (break) the window of the candy shop while they (play) with a ball in ye garden4.I (drop) my keys on the floor while i was looking for the wallet5.I (see) a beautiful blue bird on the tree when i (wait) for my friend( в скобках то что нужно изменить. Заранее огромное спасибо вам )


1) Amy was sleeping when Sam went out to buy some flowers.

2) I was running towards the station when the train arrived.

3) Helen and Neb broke the window of the candy shop while they were playing with the ball in the garden.

4) I dropped my keys on the floor while I was looking for the wallet.

5) I saw a beautiful blue bird on the tree when I was waiting for my friend.

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