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Английский язык

посчитайте с английским Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее по смыслу слово. Одно слово лишнее. Запишите номер варианта в соответствующую ячейку таблицы.How to eat healthy? Follow these steps to help you eat healthy:Eat the right (A) ___ of food. Choose a variety of foods from each of the four food groups.Eat the recommended (B) ______ of food for your age and activity level.Read food labels to compare and choose healthier foods when shopping.Mind the (C) ________of each food group in a healthy meal.Limit foods and drinks that are high in (D) ______, fat and sugar.1 amount, 2 calories, 3 types, 4 proportion, 5 healthy​


Eat the right (A) types, of food. Choose a variety of foods from each of the four food groups.

Eat the recommended (B)  amount of food for your age and activity level.

Read food labels to compare and choose healthier foods when shopping.

Mind the (C) proportion of each food group in a healthy meal.

Limit foods and drinks that are high in (D) calories, fat and sugar.

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