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HometaCircle the correct item.1 Did you to wear glasses when you weretwelve?A usedBuseC using2 Amelia Earhari . bom in Kansas, USA in1897.A wasBisC were3 I always go to work ...... car.A onBinC by4 finished my homework two hours .......A thenC nowBago5 He seems toA isreally sad.1B beingC be26 Natalie ...... a new motorbike last week.A used to buy B boughtC is buying7 Slow down There's a dog walking theroad A through B across C roundAndrew go to the cinema yesterdayafternoon?A DoesB isC Did29 He€200 for his new bike.B paidA payC payed10 My grandma always gets upB fromdain.C in2.11 The trainA arrivedin half an hour. Let's go Bacives Carrive212 We sightseeing tomorrow. Would youlike to join us?B wentC are goingA go20your dad leave the office13 What timeyesterday?B didC does​


1 a

2 a

3 c

4 ago

5 a

6 bought

7 a

8 c

9 paid

10 at

11 arrived

12 are going

13 did

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