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посчитайте пж по англу сочинение даю 30 поинтовHaving read the article about travelling in Africa you've decided to organize aTravelling Club in your school. Write an email to your friend John in which youshare your plans.In your email tell him:what activities you can do in the Club;how this Club will be helpful for your school education;how online resources can be used in the Club.Write 100-120 words.


Hello John,

         I was very pleased to have received your last letter. I read the article you had shared with me about travelling to Africa. And I am glad to tell you that I have a great idea! I have decided to set up a Travelling Club at my school.

         I think it will serve as a source of information for potential travellers to Africa. As a member of the Club, one will be able to find additional information about places of interest and how to book the cheapest tickets there. A lot of information about various tourist agencies will be provided too. I think it would be reasonable to organise special meetings where the members of the club will be able to discuss different destinations.

         Needless to say, the Club is going to be the right place for all who loves geography! I am confident all the members of the Club will start getting only the highest marks on this subject.

       John, I think I have to use all the congenial websites so that to gather information appropriately and make it easy to understand for the members. A great variety of photos, videos and articles describing Africa's best places must be downloaded and filed. What is your opinion of this project John? Well, I think that's all.

Waiting for your reply,

        Your friend,  Ваше имя на англ


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