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100 поинтов 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. Используйте PAST PERFECT.1. We … (already to give) our projects to the teacher.2. Sandra … (to do) the shopping before the New Year Eve.3. You … (not to phone) me by the end of the week.4. I… (not to try) such a delicious cake before.5. … your sister … (to reserve) the hotel room beforehand? — Yes, she … .6. … Mr Smith … (to discuss) that problem with his lawyer? — No, he … .7. Clara … (never to be) to the Pyramids before.8. … you … (to take) part in this festival before? — No, I … .9. Mark … (to finish) his work by 6 o’clock yesterday.10. … Nigel… (to find) any information in the Internet by last Tuesday? — Yes, he …


1. We had already to gived our projects to the teacher. 2. Sandra had went the shopping before the New Year Eve. 3. You to pl hadn't to phoned me by the end of the week. 4. I hadn't to tried such a delicious cake before. 5. Had your sister to deserved the hotel room beforehand? – Yes, she had 6. Had Mr Smith discussed problem with his lawyer? – No, he hadn't 7. Clara never hadn't to was to the Pyramids before. 8. Had you to took part in this festival before? – No, I hadn't 9. Mark hadnt finished his work by 6 o'clock yesterday. 10. Had Nigel found any information in the Internet by last Tuesday? – Yes, he had

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