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Английский язык

1 Задание. Поставьте в пропуски Do Или Does.1________________you work hard?2________________ he play football?3_________________ the boys play computer games?4_________________John like music?5__________________your brother live in London?6._________________your parents speak German?7._________________ you go to school by bike?8.__________________ the students like sport?9__________________ Ben play cards with his friends?10__________________you like hot weather?2 Задание. Поставьте в пропуски глагол to be( am, is или are )1)I am late. ____________I late?2)You are late. ________you late?3)He/She is late. _______ he/she late?4)We are late. __________ we late?5)You are late. __________you late?6)They are late. ________ they late? посчитайте Сделать все задания ЭТО ОЧЕНЬ


1) Do you work hard?

2) Does he play football?

3) Do the boys play computer games?

4) Does John like music?

5) Does you brother live in London?

6) Do your parents speak German?

7) Do you go to school by bike?

8) Do the students like sport?

9) Does Ben play cards with his friends?

10) Do you like hot weather?

2 задание:

1) l am late. Am I late?

2) You are late? Are you late?

3) He/She is late. Is he/she late?

4) We are late. Are we late?

5) You are late. Are you late?

6) They are late. Are they late?

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