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посчитайте,полчаса всего осталось((((((1. When I entered the room, she (read) ________the book.a) read b) is reading c) was reading d) will read2. We are going for a walk. Who (want) ___С_____to go with us?a) is wanting b) does want c) want d) wants3. She never drinks strong coffee, ________?a) ..., doesn’t she? b) ..., is she? c) ..., does she d) ..., isn’t she? 4. Can you come (early) _______next time?a) more early b) the earliest c) the earlier d) earlier 5. This film (much / speak about) ________.a) is much spoken about b) is speaking much about c) speak much about d) speak much about6. My room is (comfortable) ________one in our flat.a) the comfortablest b) more comfortable c) the most comfortable d) most comfortable7. I liked ______essay you had brought the other day very much.a) an b) the c) a d) – 8. – Granny has lost her passport.– Where (she / lose) _______?a) has she lost it b) had she lost it c) she lost it d) did she loose it9. I saw you buy a bunch of flowers this morning. Who (you / buy ______it for?a)Who did you buy it for?b)Who bought you it?c)Who bought it for you?d)Who did buy you it for?10. When she sees ______you have done, she will be angry with you.a) that b) - c) what d) so11. This isn’t my text-book, _______ is at home.a) my b) mine c) mine book d) mine one12. The weather is (good) _______ it was last month. a) the better than b) the best than c) as better as d) better than13.Neither Dad nor Mom (speak) _______ English.a) don’t speak b) speak c) speaks d) doesn’t speak 14. Geneva is one of (modern) _______cities in the world.a) the repares b) the most modern c) the most modern of d) more modern15. Where is Jane? I’m tired _______waiting.a) with b) about c) at d) of16. When I phoned my friend at ten o’clock this morning, he was ______in bed.a) already b) yet c) still d) always17. It was _______cold outdoors that I decided to stay at home.a) so much b) such a c)such d) so18. Harry’s room is (expensive) _______of all the rooms.a) most expensive b) so expensive c) expensivest d) the most expensive19. There was nobody at home, _______?a) was there b) were they c) weren’t they d) wasn’t there20. You (sing) _______a lovely song when I entered the room. What was it?a) sang b) had sung c) was singing d) were singing


: Когда я захожу в комнату, она (читает) книгу.(a)

Мы идем гулять. Кто хочет с нами?( D)

Она никогда не пьет крепкий кофе, (d)

Можешь ли ты прийти рано?(a)

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