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Английский язык

ДАЯ 20 Б, посчитайте . 1. He is the (old) son in their family.2. His work is (good) than yours.3. Their house is as(new) as ours.4. This bag is (heavy) than that one.5. The (little) you know the (difficult) is the text for you.IV. 1. The house was … the suburbs.2. The shop is … the corner of the street.3. We live … the centre of the village.4. They work … a farm.5. The students are … school now.V. 1. Don’t make … stories, I don’t believe you.2. What do you make … this new film?3. The robber made … the phone.4. I can’t make … what is written here, the letters are too small.5. How can I make … not helping you.​


1. He is the oldest son in their family.

2. His work is better than yours.

3. Their house is as new as ours.

4. This bag is heavier than that one.

5. The less you know the more difficult is the text for you.

IV. 1. The house was in the suburbs.

2. The shop is on the corner of the street.

3. We live in the center of the village.

4. They work on a farm.

5. The students are in school now.

V. 1. Don’t make up stories, I don’t believe you.

2. What do you make of this new film?

3. The robber made off the phone.

4. I can’t make out what is written here, the letters are too small.

5. How can I make for not helping you?

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