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Люди Заместо... Нужно вставить приведённой ниже слово1) There ... two cups of tea on the table. there isthere are2) There ... a blue chair at the door. there isthere are3) There ... 3 toys in the box there isthere are4) ... there a bathroom near the kitchen? Is thereAre there5) There ... a big window to the left of the door. there isthere are6) ... there four rooms in the house? Is thereAre there7) There ... some cheese on the plate. there isthere are8) ... there a carpet on the floor? Is not thereAre not there9) There ... six balls in the box. there is notthere are not10) There ... cats in the sitting room. there is nothere are no11) There … a lot of flowers and a picture in my room. there wasthere were12) There … a beautiful vase on the table last month. there wasthere were13) There … five windows and a door in the room. there wasthere were14) There … a telephone and pencils on the table. there wasthere were15) There … a pencil and a pen on the desk a minute ago. there was notthere were not16) There … posters there. there was notthere were not17) There … a TV set, two armchairs and a table in the living room. there was notthere were not18) ... there pictures in your room? was therewere there19) ... there a bathroom near the kitchen? was therewere there20) ... there four rooms in the house? was therewere there​


1There are 2there is 3there are 4is 5is 6 are 7 is 8is not. 9are not 10are no 11 were 12was 13were 14were 15were not 16were not 17were not 18 were 19was 20 were

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