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Не но легко10) read and write correct sentences. (see student's book page 28.) 1 the asian elephant is bigger. no it isn't. the african elephant is bigger 2 the asian elephant is taller. no. 3 the asian elephant's got longer legs. 4 the african elephant's got smaller earsтекст Asian or African?an African elephant is bigger and heavierthan an Asian elephant. Some people also say thatit is stronger, the African elephant is tallerthan the Asian elephant, and it has longer legs.The Asian elephant has smaller ears thanthe African elephant and shorter tusks.The Asian lion is smaller and lighterthan the African lion. The male has a shorter and darkermane. The African lion is stronger andheavier than the Asian lion, and Some people also say itis fiercer. The male has a longer and thicker mane.​


2) No, it isn't. The African is taller.

3) No, it hasn't. The African's got longer legs.

4) No, it hasn't. The Asian's got smaller ears.

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