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Выслать надо сегодня Тема: The Comparative Form of Adjectives.Задание: "Complete the following sentences with the correct comparative form of the words listed below. Good high convenient difficult cheap expensive quiet easy thin healthy cold."1. In Canada, January is ____than March2. I can afford to buy a new bike but not a new car. A car is __________ than a bike.3. You look _________ than the last time I saw you. Have you lost weight?4. Mountains are __________than hills.5. He got a very good mark on his exam. The exam was __________than he had expected.6. I don’t understand this lesson. It is ____________ than the last one we did.7. I can’t study in this room. It’s too noisy. I’m going to find a ____________place.8. Our apartment is far from everything. We want to move to a _________location.9. Orange juice is ____________ than Coke.10. The store is having a great sale today. Most televisions are 25% __________ than they were yesterday.11. The doctor told me that I can go back to work if I feel ____________tomorrow.


1 colder

2 more  expensive

3 thinner

4 higher

5 easier

6 more difficult

7 quieter

8 more convenient

9 more healfy

10 cheaper

11 better

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