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Английский язык

Нужна помощь Поставь глаголы в правильной форме present continuous или present simple. 1. Let's go out. It (not/rain) now.2. Julia is very good at languages. She (speak) four languages very well. 3. Hurry up Everybody (wait) for you.4. ' (you/listen) to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.5. ' (you/listen) to the radio every day?' 'No, just occasionally.6. The River Nile (flow) into the Mediterranean.7. Look at the river. It (flow) very fast today - much faster than usual8. We usually (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we (not/grow) any.9. 'How is your English?' 'Not bad. It (improve) slowly.'10. Can we stop walking soon? I (start) to feel tired11. 'Can you drive?' 'I (learn). My father (teach) me.12. Normally I (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I (work) until 6.0013. Sonia (look) for a place to live. She (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.14. The train is never late. It (always/leave) on time.15. Don't put the dictionary away. I it. (use)


1. Isn't raining


3. Is waiting

Is you listening

5. Do you listen

6. Is flowing

7. Flows

8. Grow

9. Improves

10. Am starting

11.Learn. teaches

12. Finish. Work

13. Is looking. Is staying

Always leaves

15. Use

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