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Английский язык

посчитайте , англ.яз, даю 100 поинтовFill in the gaps withbe going to, will, the present simple form or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.1. They’ll go to the park if it … (not/rain).2. If you come to my country, you …(like) it.3. John is buying a ski jacket. He ... (go) on a skiing holiday.4. I think he… (visit) Africa one day.5. If the weather gets worse, we … (not/go) to the beach.6. My friends … (travel) to Spain tomorrow. Here are their tickets.7. We … (take) a boat trip later today.8. She’s wearing her swimsuit. She …(swim) in the sea.9.Unless he … (call) we won't leave.10.Do you need a taxi? The doorman … (call) one for you.

  1. Doesn't rain
  2. Will like
  3. Is going to go
  4. Will visit
  5. Won't go
  6. Are traveling
  7. Are taking
  8. Is going to swim
  9. Calls
  10. Will call
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