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10 Downing Street or «Number 10" as the British call it, is one of the most

famous uddresses in the world as it has been the home of British prime ministers since

1730, However, it is also a very busy place where hundreds of people work and where

many official functions. Cabinet meetings and state dinners take place. Many people

will immediately recognize the front of the building because the Prime Minister and

other well-known politicians often make important announcements in front of its

famous big black

Number 10 was originally given to the first prime minister, Sir Robert

Walpole, as a gift, but he wanted it to be used by all future prime ministers Before he

moved in, though, he joined 10 Downing Street to the large house behind it and had

some alterations made. So even though Number 10 looks like an ordinary terraced

house from the outside, inside it is an extremely erand place There are many

beautiful rooms with elegant decor and fine furniture including the State Dining

Room, the Study, the Terracotta Room and the White Drawing Room. There are

portraits ofevery past prime minister hanging on the walls of the Grand Staircase and

in the Cabinet Room, where government ministers meet to discuss important issues.

The table in this room is boat-shaped so that the Prime Minister can always see

everyone sitting around it!

The Prime Minister's private home is a furnished flat on the second floor, once

described by Margaret Thatcher (British Prime Minister from 1979-1940) as living

above the shop'. The Prime Minister also has his own study where he works and

reads. There, he offen meets colleagues, receives important guests, makes phone calls

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