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Английский язык

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous. Глаголы в скобках даны в начальной форме. Поставьте эти глаголы или в Past Simple или в Past Continuous. Обращайте внимание на обстоятельства времени.1 A: Where were you at 7 o’clock last night? I _________________________(try) to call you.B: I _________________________________________________ (sleep).2 A: We ____________________________ (swim) at the water park yesterday when dark clouds _____________________________ (appear) in the sky.B: That’s a shame.3 A: __________________________________(you/see) the steppe when you visited Kazakhstan?B: Yes, we ____________________________________ (go) there on Wednesday.4 A: When _______________________________ (you/read) that novel?B: Yesterday while I _________________________________ (sunbathe) on the beach.​


1 A: Where were you at 7 o’clock last night?

I tried to call you.

B: I was sleeping.

2 A: We were swimming at the water park yesterday when dark clouds appeared in the sky.

B: That’s a shame.

3 A: Did you see the steppe when you visited Kazakhstan?

B: Yes, we went there on Wednesday.

4 A: When did you read that novel?

B: Yesterday while I was sunbathing on the beach.

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