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Английский язык

1.Complete the types of TV programmes:s_ _en_ _ f_ct_ _n2.Complete the types of TV programmes:dr_m_3.Form adjectives from the following words using -ful, -ing, -able or -ic(с маленькой буквы).wonder —4.Form adjectives from the following words using -ful, -ing, -able or -ic(с маленькой буквы).enjoy — 5.Form adjectives from the following words using -ful, -ing, -able or -ic(с маленькой буквы).interest —6. Form adjectives from the following words using -ful, -ing, -able or -ic (с маленькой буквы).fantasy —7.Choose the correct word.I think pizza is boring/delicious.8.Choose the correct word.Mike brushes/washes his teeth twice a day.9.Choose the correct word.Molly helps her little brother to get clothed/dressed in the morning.10.Choose the correct word.My favourite sitcom is at/on TV tonight11.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Simple form.Mr Bradley…….………..(teach) Biology at the Community School.12.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Simple form.What time ………………… (he/leave) for school on Mondays?13.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Simple form.………….. (your parents/go) out on Friday night?14.Вставьте глагол to be в простом настоящем времениThey ___ taxi drivers15.Вставьте глагол to be в простом настоящем времениMy favorite color ___ red16. Составьте предложения, используя Present SimpleIrina / nice clothes / always / wear17.Составьте предложения, используя Present Simplehave / we / breakfast / at 7 o’clock

  1. science fiction
  2. drama
  3. wonderful
  4. enjoyable
  5. interesting
  6. fantastic
  7. delicious
  8. brushes
  9. dressed
  10. on
  11. teaches
  12. What time does he leave for school on Mondays?
  13. Do your parents go out on Friday night?
  14. They are taxi drivers.
  15. My favorite color is red.
  16. Irina always wears nice clothes.
  17. We have breakfast at 7 o’clock.
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